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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Monday, November 14, 2011

Various Wonderings

Why do so many become so concerned with being right and others wrong???? The Bible has existed for a longgggggggggg time now, incredible minds remain distinct in interpretation of it, even what would be deemed core elements such as Jesus atonement, eternal destination and the work of the Holy Spirit. I don't think the Holy Spirit is or seeks to foster schizophrenia so other answers nust exist as to why the differing interpretations exist.

Physical appearance. Such a major factor from the moment of birth. Babies viewed as ugly or having deformities and defects physically have been shown in case studies to recieve less touch,attention and positive regard than cute and attractive babies. Touch has been determined to be a huge factor in emotional wellbeing and feeling a deep sense of self-love from very early on. If Jesus were ugly.........let your mind wander as you think about it. How would He be responded too??? Look at almost every painting,drawing,sculpture which portrays Jesus. All are attractive and beautiful, except perhaps when He is on the cross. I hope one day God will provide an answer as to why He made people physically unattractive in a world where the scale is almost 100% tipping toward attractivness as giving an edge to life and living it.

More thoughts to come. Hope some will come by and comment.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fear Death Sex Love

These subjects represent major themes in our existence as I see it. I just got done reading a deep and intriguing post at Dr Richard Becks blog. Experimental Theology. If you are not familiar with it I urge you to check it out!!!! The post I was captivated by dealt with fear and denial of death within ourselves and American culture at large and how love is the key to being set free from death in all its nuances. i hope my explanation did justice to Dr Becks intent.

I have shared often over the years on here my struggle with fear, most notably fear of death. No wonder Dr Becks post resounded so strongly inside me. I find such a paradox in so many ways with all the subjects i used to title this post. My paternal grandmother influenced me as a child to be fearful, and it became a modus operandi i ended up adopting, even without fully consciously knowing. Death ends life and stops all of existence as i know it, strictly physically and mentally speaking. Fear of death comes from the feelings of dying and the imagination that can construct all kinds of wild wonderings of what may await once death has happened.

As a Christ-follower and believer, His resurrection lends itself to assuaging this fear and ribbing death of its stranglehold. However, toss in theological issues which cause doubt of qualifying as belonging to Jesus even WITH a faith and commitment of self to Him and everything goes haywire. His perfect love is declared to remove fear because He does not punish. Well, ummmmm isn't hell the ULTIMATE punishment??? Throw in doubting if you have done enough, believed enough and been *enough* whatever that means and what seemed so simple really isn't anymore.

Sex... ah well,,, i shall deal with that another time. LOL Hope to explore all these issues as i write more to come. I hope some who want to share and discuss these things will find there way here. I thank God He desires exploration and isn't sitting on His throne simply demanding a certain performance level be achieved to rest in Him in relationship.